DataCenter One

INOC Datacenter: Seamless Integration

Datacenter One GmbH offers data center development, colocation services and the “Colo Connect” connectivity solution. In this scope of services, it is emerging as a leading German provider of top-quality tailormade solutions.

Single source of truth
Data Automation
IT & Datacenter
Company size
Enterprise (4 datacenter's, 140+ customer)
Use Case
Integrated Resource Management
INOC struggled to manage customer demands and technological complexity due to reliance on 27 disjointed systems. The lack of interconnectedness made issue investigation and team collaboration challenging, leading to delays in operational management and customer responses.
reduction in incident investigation time
of staff made available for high value customer tasks
go-live with Ikon within 5 weeks
Fragmented system landscape with 27 siloed applications.
Limited real-time dashboard functionality.
Inadequate equipment uptime and availability.
Suboptimal capacity utilization.
Inefficient energy usage and cost management.
Complicated root cause analysis due to siloed data.

Ikon Orchestration Platform unified 27 applications into a single data nexus. This integration, completed in mere weeks, leveraged conventional APIs and Ikon's automation capabilities for efficient data management.

The solution transformed disjointed data streams (RZM, IAM, Jira, etc.) into a coherent, real-time flow, ensuring swift data visualization for relevant stakeholders. By integrating disparate systems, it enabled more effective and responsive dashboarding across various devices.

This digital transformation interconnected people, systems, and processes, enhancing operational efficiency. It streamlined resource management, optimized capacity utilization, and facilitated comprehensive root cause analysis across previously siloed applications, significantly improving datacenter operations.

Unified data source for 27 systems.
Real-time system stream integration.
Targeted data visualization.
Digital optimization connecting people, systems, and processes.
Wolfgang Kaufmann
Managing Director
It took 5 weeks from the first kick-off meeting to 100% go-live with Ikon. There was no face-to-face workshop, no endless specification sessions. All demanding work was done by the Keross team in the background cost effectively.

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