Mercedes-Benz / Daimler

Streamlining Sales Decisions

Mercedes-Benz Daimler is one of the biggest producers of premium cars and the world's largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles. Ranked 24th on the global Fortune 500.

Data Automation
ERP integration
Single source of truth
Automotive Industry
Company size
Enterprise (290,000 Emp., World Dealer Network)
Stuttgart, Germany
Use Case
Sales Management Support Platform
Daimler's CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric) division needed a platform for sales managers to make informed decisions on new electric vehicle pricing models and sales campaigns. The challenge was integrating data from 27 systems to create a single source of truth for accurate market analysis, including competitor data from 6 major competitors.
savings of total budget
ROI within 6 months
faster implementation time compared to other vendors
Failed attempts with previous vendors.
Manual data consolidation from 27 systems.
Diverse regional system versions and languages.
Limited API communication capabilities.
Inability to correlate real-time market intelligence.
Lack of framework for sales algorithm integration.

Keross delivered the Single Source Of Truth by integrating 27 internal and external systems, automating data structuring, and embedding sales algorithms into a structured data stream by introducing Ikon multi-tenant Sales Manager Support Platform.

This platform offered real-time dashboarding of sales KPIs and on-demand reporting per dealer, region, or volume. Ikon's solution enabled the CASE division to aggregate and visualize data effectively, providing a secure and scalable framework for sales decision-making.

Capability to process complex data sets from multiple sources, including competitor information, revolutionized the sales management process.

Single Source Of Truth: internal and external systems, along with competitors' data.
Automated data structuring for algorithm.
Real-time sales KPI dashboarding.
Customized reporting for sales campaigns.
Edin Causevic
National Manager, Sales Operations
The results of the pilot phase in the US showed a savings potential of 2 percent discount budget a year, which is a massive number and hundred times the return on the investment.

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